Sentinel's Sidearm (Rehearsal)

Sentinel's Sidearm (Rehearsal) Sentinel Sword (Rehearsal) Use of magical weapons is typically reserved for the king’s mage units. For a swordsman to receive such a fine piece of craft was considered a great honor, and perhaps still is.

Tier UT (Limited)
MP Cost 100
On Equip +5 ATT, +5 DEX
Effect(s) Fire 3 swords that pause and target the nearest enemy.
Armor Piercing Ignores defense of target
Piercing Shots hit multiple targets
Passes cover Shots pass through obstacles
Shots 3
Damage 800 (total: 2,400)
Projectile Speed 20 tile(s)/second
Lifetime 0.25 second(s)
Range 5 tiles
Max Cast Range 0 tiles
Cooldown 0.8 second(s)
XP Bonus 7%
Soulbound Soulbound
Feed Power 900

In comparison to the original Sentinel’s Sidearm the damage values are greatly reduced, but equip stats remain the same.

It is weaker than the Kogbold Multitool and Watarimono, but generally outdamages other wakis. It is also easier to aim than the traditional waki. The downside is that it doesn’t inflict Grey Down Arrow Exposed.

Although it might still be a solid option for a wakizashi, it’s rather difficult to obtain due to the limited availbility of the Rehearsal Shatters. And thus this item will most likely stay a vanity item for a while.