Staying Alive (Rev. 9)

Beginning Players

If you are brand new to ROTMG, please first check out the Getting Started page.

For beginners, everything in the realm is a threat of some kind. Maybe you just got your first level 20 character but don’t think your gear is that great. You’ve been inside the godlands but keep getting overrun and nexusing. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. Remember that ROTMG is not an easy game. It will take time and effort to get “good”.
Here are some key points to remember to stay alive longer.

If Something Looks Scary, It Probably Is

Trust yourself. If that Leviathan looks to much of a challenge for you… it probably is. If you don’t feel confident to do a UDL with your friends then just opt out. Nothing is worth you losing your new level 20 charcter because you played too risky.

Get To Know Your Class!

Whichever class you are currently playing as, be it Wizard, Knight, or Priest, know how it works.
Read up on the classes here and try to memorize the abilities of your favorite ones. This can be very helpful in life or death situations. For instance, Necromancer can only heal himself off other enemies. If you step into the lava in a deserted godlands don’t think pressing space will save you.
Additionally, this can be very useful a bit later in your ROTMG career. When maxing stats, don’t forget that Knight needs 40 def while every other class only needs 25.

Take your time

Most dungeons in the realm should not even be approached without a level 20 character. Especially as a beginning player where most dungeons will be a bit of a surprise to you. Try to level up your character before venturing into the unknown.

Some good ways to level up are:

  • Complete quests
  • Do low tier dungeons such as the forbidden jungle and spider den. These dungeons tend to give a large amount of experience especially when you clear the whole dungeon.
  • Join an Xp or Fame Train. These are simply groups of people running around killing gods or regular monsters. If you see one of these being called in chat just teleport to the group and run around with them. A good Xp/Fame train can max level you in less that half an hour.
    Note: EUN2 (Europe North 2) is the fame train server. Find the realm that is full and wait with everybody else for it to open. The train is at it’s best at about 2:00-5:00 p.m. EST and generally isn’t around at night.

Intermediate Players

For an intermediate player RotMG is not a walk in the park. Some dungeons pose very real danger and even gods pose an immediate threat. Many people at this level find themselves dying unnecessarily due to bad play or simply being unlucky. Hopefully this guide will help with that.

Your Life Is The Top Priority

Remember, Realm of the Mad God is a perma-death game. It doesn’t matter if you get a white bag and then die immediately afterwards. Any potential loot is not worth dying for. This also applies to other people: if you and someone else happen to be in dungeon together, don’t be afraid to bail on them. You would rather stay alive.

Exercise Self Control

This is a big one. A lot of unpotted characters and farmers die this way. You should know your characters abilities as well as your own. Can you really do this Abyss with just two other people? Are you good enough to solo this Haunted Cemetery? It may be helpful to make 2 lists for each of your characters: dungeons this character can go into, and ones they can’t (learn more about the dungeons here). Although this isn’t an essential tactic it can prove to be helpful.

Learn Learn Learn!

“Know your enemy.” Those wise words make total sense, especially in Realm. Read up on the gods of the realm and try to memorize their patterns. You will also naturally become better at fighting them with practice.