Resurrected Warrior's Armor (Rev. 26)

Resurrected Warrior's Armor
Resurrected Warrior’s Armor: A worn and battered suit of armor embedded with a mystic gem that flows with magical strength.

Tier: Untiered
Stat Bonuses: +150 MP, +17 DEF, +5 WIS
Fame Bonus: 4%
Feed Power: 500

Drops From:
Ghost of Skuld

The Resurrected Warrior’s Armor is best used on Knights due to the fact that their Defense is higher than the other sword classes, and they can benefit greatly from the extra Mana as it will directly translate to at least one extra stun usage with their Shield.
It is not recommended for Paladins in most cases, as they normally have less Defense than the other Sword classes. Paladins need more Defense because Seals do not give a Defense bonus like Helms or Shields, so it is best to use either an Acropolis Armor armor or a Candy-Coated Armor. However, in situations where the enemies deal a lot of damage per hit or have armor piercing effects, such as in The Shatters, the extra Mana and Wisdom would be well worth it, and you can easily swap it out with a tiered Heavy Armor in the event of Stone Paladins/Mages, as these are the only Shatters enemies who shoot many low damage bullets.
Despite the name, this armor is not recommended for Warriors
Side Note: A Resurrected Warrior’s Armor used with a Ring of Exalted Defense will grant better bonuses than an Acropolis Armor used with a Ring of Exalted Magic.
side note 2: This armor is EXTREMELY BAD with warrior; JUGG IS NO EXCEPTION