Armor of Nil (Rev. 12)

Armor of Nil This armor does not deflect projectiles like most materials known to man. It absorbs and engulfs them, sending them to a new plane of reality.

Tier UT
On Equip +21 DEF, -2 SPD, -2 DEX
Fame Bonus 6%
Soulbound Soulbound
Feed Power 1,100

Loot Bag Assigned to White Bag
Drops From Void Entity

From a statistical standpoint, this armor is a sidegraded godsend for those poor Leather classes that need a defensive boost. It does sacrifice some speed and a hefty bit of dex, but most Leather classes are just fine with this sacrifice, as they all have the best of both worlds. An example of an exception would be the Archer/Huntress needing the Doom Bow’s dps boost from Hydra armor.

Now while this armor is pretty awesome, you have to be EXTREMELY careful with this armor since it is an exremely rare item and must be used only in situations such as when you need high defense. Rushing with this item isn’t recommended due to it having a speed penalty, unless you are a dagger class. If you have other armors, equip them or don’t use this armor anywhere other than places that don’t have a high change of you being killed. Considering that this comes from the boss of the secret level of the Lost Halls, you’ll never see it again for a millenium if it’s lost.