Leaf Dragon Hide Armor (Rev. 23)

Leaf Dragon Hide Armor
Leaf Dragon Hide Armor: Light armor crafted from the hard-as-steel leafy scales of a Leaf Dragon.

Tier: Untiered
Stat Bonuses: +9 DEF, +50 HP
Fame Bonus: 5%
Feed Power: 450

Individual Chance of Tier Grouped Drops:
Limoz the Plague Bearer

Before Release 12, the Stat Bonus for this armor was +18 DEF and +6 DEX
On Release 12, all existing leaf armors were transformed into Cheater Light Armors.
On Release 22 all the armors were added again.

This armor is useless in most situations, as it sacrifices half the defense and all of the dexterity of a Hydra Skin Armor in exchange for 50 HP. That makes this UT particularly useless. However, it gives a 5% fame bonus upon death, which may be useful for fame farmers that are reluctant to suicide with superior equipment, such as the Coral Silk Armor.

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