Midnight Star (Rev. 13)

Midnight Star: A legendary shuriken that sucks the light in around it.

Tier: Untiered
While Key Held:

    MP Cost: 10 MP/sec.
    Effect: Speedy on self

When Key released:

    MP Cost: 90
    Damage: 300-600
    Projectile Speed: 15
    Effect: Paralyze for 4 seconds
    Range: 15
    Fame Bonus: 6%
    Feed Power: 850

Shots pass through obstacles.

Drops from:
Ivory Wyvern

This shuriken has very unreliable damage and generally high mana cost compared to other shurikens. The main benefit of the Midnight Star is the paralyzing status effect; as a result this UT is better used in conjunction with either the T6 Doom Circle or T5 Ice Star.

Standard attack pattern:
- Throw UT Midnight Circle, paralyzing target
- Throw as many T6 Doom Circle / T5 Ice Stars as possible

This maximises damage output to a single enemy as it practically guarantees at least two shuriken hits if the initial strike lands, leading to at least 1350 damage if used correctly. Using this method, it’s also worth investing in a Ring of Exalted Magic to get another shuriken throw in, which leads to an average 2150 damage (assuming one has the Doom Circle).