Abyssal Trophy (Rev. 1)

Abyssal Trophy An imposing golden trophy smelted from the crumbled remains of a demonic idol and personally molded by Archdemon Malphas. The few who are capable of holding it for themselves are said to be filled with immense vigor.

Tier UT (Limited)
On Equip +5 ATT, +5 DEX, +10 SPD
Fame Bonus 7%
Soulbound Soulbound
Feed Power 500

Obtained Through Top 25 in the Abyss Runner Event

Will be offered as a reward for the top 25 fastest players in the Abyss Runner event (May 2020); see Reddit page for further details of the event.

Winning players:

Untiered Rings
Limited Edition Rings
Abyssal TrophyUT. Abyssal Trophy