Heroic Undead Lair (Original) (Rev. 1)

Last updated: X.31.7.0
Heroic Undead Lair
Difficulty: 5Difficulty: 5Difficulty: 5Difficulty: 5Difficulty: 5


The information below is referencing the original version of the Heroic Undead Lair which existed until June 27th, 2019 when a reworked version of this dungeon was released, featuring only the boss room. For the version currently in the game, see: Heroic Undead Lair.

The Heroic Undead Lair was a high-level dungeon that was a more dangerous but more rewarding version of the Undead Lair. It was a very good dungeon to farm for UT and ST drops and it was the only source of Greater Potions of Wisdom (excluding the short period of time that they were available during the Kabam era). One key difference between this dungeon and the normal Undead Lair is that pets were not allowed in this dungeon. To open the entrance to the Heroic Undead Lair, you had to use the heroic incantation while standing over a normal Undead Lair Portal (which are dropped from Ghost Gods).

This dungeon was the first heroic dungeon to be released. As of Release X.31.7.0, Heroic Undead Lair Incantations were removed from the Nexus shop and no longer drop from Septavius the Ghost God due to negative player feedback regarding the dungeon. However, the incantations could be still be used to access this dungeon.


Heroic Undead Lair Incantation The Heroic Undead Lair Incantation was available in the Nexus for 200 Realm Gold, or as a stack of five for 1,000 Realm Gold. It is no longer sold or dropped.



  • Very powerful traps are camouflaged into the stone floor tiles. They can be destroyed but will detonate when a player gets TOO close to them.


Example Layout


Heroic Undead Lair Layout

Heroic Lair Traps
Hazard Projectile Damage Speed (tiles/sec) Range (tiles) Comments

Heroic Lair Burst Trap
Heroic Lair Burst Trap
Red Fire 100 8 8 Self Terminates
Hits Multiple Targets
HP: 300
DEF: 20
EXP: 0
Shots: 12

Heroic Lair Blast Trap
Heroic Lair Blast Trap
Red Fire 100 8 8 Self Terminates
Hits Multiple Targets
HP: 300
DEF: 20
EXP: 0
Shots: 6

Lair Burst Trap Attack Lair Blast Trap Attack


Heroic Lair Ghost Warrior, Heroic Mage, Heroic Paladin, Heroic Archer, Heroic Knight, Heroic Rogue, Heroic Lair Skeleton, Heroic Lair Skeleton King, Heroic Mage, Heroic Swordsman, Heroic Veteran, Heroic Lair Mummy, Heroic Lair Mummy King, Heroic Pharaoh, Big/Little Brown Slime, Big/Medium/Little Black Slime, Heroic Construct Giant, Heroic Titan, Heroic Brown Bat, Heroic Ghost Bat, Heroic Reaper, Heroic Vampire, Heroic Vampire King, Heroic Grey Spectre, Heroic Blue Spectre, Heroic White Spectre.

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Tips and Strategies

Completing this dungeon is considerably more difficult than completing a normal Undead Lair due to the increased health and attack damage of enemies paired with the lack of pets in the dungeon. For this reason, it is unadvisable to rush like in a normal Undead Lair, as doing so will very likely will kill you unless you are a melee or another character adept at rushing. Even if you survive rushing the dungeon, all the enemies you will have dragged to the boss room in the process will most probably end up overwhelming you.
Instead of rushing, this dungeon is much easier to complete by simply clearing the dungeon. By taking a peek-and-drag approach, you can very easily clear enemies in the next room and take them out while having the previous room to back into. Another advantage to this is that during the boss fight, you will be able to back out of the boss room if you are overwhelmed by Septavius’s attacks. In fact, taking this approach makes soloing the dungeon quite the simple task. ,
Bringing a character maxed in defense, attack, and dexterity is recommended, although the most crucial stat to max in this case is defense due to the enemies much higher damage. In addition, many enemies in this dungeon tend to rush you making defense very important.

Drops of Interest