Fame Train (Rev. 21)

Last updated: Patch X.31.9.2

A Fame Train is an organized group of players that will run around the border of the godlands, killing gods along the way, in order to get Fame efficiently and quickly.

At the moment, there are little to no fame trains running. Many players have switched to running the Lost Halls dungeon instead, or doing other dungeons such as the Parasite Chambers or The Shatters under 1.5x XP events.

While there used to be “public” fame trains, or servers where fame trains tended to occur on, these are now a thing of the past, and haven’t been organized in a while.

Common Guidelines and Courtesies

If you happen to stumble across a fame train in the Realm (or you’ve joined a server that is organizing a fame train), there are some common courtesies one can follow to help the train’s effectiveness and to avoid inconveniencing both other players and yourself.

  • Do not stasis enemies; take off your orb, or never use it. Once you’re comfortable with cursing enemies instead of stasising, you may use the orb. Stasising enemies, as you would expect, prevents those enemies from being killed as the train passes by, lowering fame gains.


Until early 2013, most players used the roads of the realms in an effort to level up faster. These “EXP Road Trains” eventually gave way to fame trains in the godlands, and are now not really seen today.

Additional resources

Below are some helpful resources if you want to learn more about fame training in general. Note that some of these resources may have become outdated over time.