Tablet of the King's Avatar (Rev. 25)

Tablet of the King's Avatar Fire Claw
Tablet of the King’s Avatar: Piercing. Thought to have been lost to the ages, the wisdom imparted in this tablet will summon a power unrivaled by any modern spell.

Tier: Untiered
MP Cost: 120
Shots: 20
Damage: 85-125 (105)
Total Damage: 1700-2500 (2100)
Projectile Speed: 12
Range: 11.4
Stat Bonus: +40 MP, +4 WIS
Fame Bonus: 6%
Feed Power: 450
Piercing Shots hit multiple enemies

Loot Bag Assigned to White Bag
Drops From Avatar of the Forgotten King

The Tablet of the King’s Avatar is based off an older unreleased UT spell, the Penetrating Blast Spell.

Although the Tablet is very good for crowd control, it is recommended to use a Tiered Spell for most other situations due to its lack of damage.