Trap of the Vile Spirit (Rev. 30)

Trap of the Vile Spirit Trap of the Vile Spirit Particles A long lost artifact recovered by Davy Jones, believed to have been cursed by the gods of the seven seas themselves.

Tier UT
MP Cost 90
On Equip +4 ATT, +4 SPD
Effect(s) Armor Piercing Ignores defense of target
Throw Time 0.5 second(s)
Damage 800
Duration 10 second(s)
Trigger Radius 1.95 tiles
Explosion Radius 3 tiles
XP Bonus 8%
Soulbound Soulbound
Feed Power 900

Loot Bag Assigned to White Bag
Drops From Ghost Ship
The Keyper

The trap does not inflict any status effects and is intended for pure damage while having nice stat bonuses. Due to its moderate mana cost, you can stack these traps on top of each other to deal massive AoE damage.

This trap can be useful because of its burst damage potential and speedy deploy time (half a second where other traps are 1 second). It is best used when high damage is favorable and definitely against high DEF targets.

Keep in mind the small radius, which makes this trap weaker against larger or spread out groups of enemies.

Before Exalt Version (May 2021), this item had stat bonuses of +20 MP, +3 ATT, +3 SPD, dealt 650 damage, didn’t armor pierce, and a throw time of 0.75 seconds.