Keychain Cutlass (Rev. 8)

Keychain Cutlass Keytastrophe A magical chain of infinite keys capable of unlocking the secrets of the universe, though your mileage may vary. Not to be confused with a different key-related blade.
Sprite Credits: Aurum

Tier UT
Shots 1
Damage 20–475 (average: 247.5)
Projectile Speed 10 tiles/second
Lifetime 0.35 seconds
Range 3.5 tiles
On Equip +50 MP, +5 VIT, +3 DEF
Fame Bonus 5%
Soulbound Soulbound
Feed Power 900

Loot Bag Assigned to White Bag
Drops From The Keyper

The Keychain Cutlass has the same average damage as the T12 Sword of Acclaim, but has a massive damage variation that may help against higher defense enemies, but will force you to rely on more inconsistent damage output. In general, it is an upgrade from the Sword of Acclaim thanks to the bonus 50 MP, 5 VIT, and 3 DEF, as well as the 1% extra fame bonus.

The Cutlass is a great option for the Knight, thanks to the bonus 50 MP which when combined with the Ressurected Warrior’s Armor allows Knights to reach a staggering 452 MP, with the ring slot available for a more general use ring rather than the Ring of Unbound Magic.

This sword may not be the best option for Warriors, because the MP bonus is largely wasted thanks to the cooldown found on Helms, and your DPS may be wildly inconsistent, making Keychain Cutlass a situational pick depending on whether you want the extra defense or not.

If you want to live for longer, the Keychain Cutlass is currently the only sword to offer any bonus to Defense, and no swords offer a health bonus. That being said, a longer range sword may be a better choice for those who wish to play extremely carefully.

The weapon’s description is likely a reference to the Keyblade from the game series Kingdom Hearts.