Scholar's Seal (Rev. 21)

Scholar's Seal A symbolic seal gifted to the most renowned philosophers of ancient times.

Tier UT
MP Cost 200
On Equip +4 SPD, +4 DEX
Effect(s) On party: MP^ MP boost (+ MP)

On party: WIS^ WIS boost (+ WIS)

Party effects duration: \left\{\begin{matrix} 5 & \text{wis}<30\\ 5+\frac{\text{wis} }{30}& 30\leq\text{wis}\\ \end{matrix}\right   seconds

Range: \left\{\begin{matrix} 3 & \text{wis}<30\\ 3+\frac{\text{wis} }{50}& 30\leq\text{wis}\\ \end{matrix}\right.  tiles

On self: Red Cross Healing for \left\{\begin{matrix} 3 & \text{wis}<30\\ 3+\frac{\text{wis} }{50}& 30\leq\text{wis}\\ \end{matrix}\right   seconds
Cooldown 5 second(s)
Fame Bonus 5%
Soulbound Soulbound
Feed Power 800

The wisdom modifiers above are highly theoretical and need confirmation.

A unique seal that gives up on the Damaging and HP buffs to provide MP and WIS buffs to the party. While somewhat situational, it’s highly useful in group efforts where abilities matter, as the WIS buffs in particular can work wonders with the wisdom modifiers of other classes like Priests or Sorcerers. However, as it lacks the damage and survivability boosting abilities of a tiered seal, it should always be used as a swapout and never a primary seal.

This seal’s effects appear to be similar to that of the unreleased Seal of Divine Focus.

If used while the Wis and MP buffs are active, everyone who has the Wis and MP buff gets silenced and sickened for the same duration as the effect is. Doesn’t cancel out Wis and MP buffs however.

Currently, this seal has the highest MP cost of any ability in the game.