Gambler's Fate (Rev. 17)

Gambler's Fate A coin pilfered from the endless vault of Gemsbok’s hoarded wealth. Only the most daring would stake their lives on the equal odds of a coin flip.

Tier UT
MP Cost 90
On Equip +4 ATT, +4 DEX
Effect(s) On Ability Use: Summons a coin that acts as a decoy. Each second it has a 50% chance to become silver or continue to exist.
Silver Coin: Acts as a decoy. Each second it has a 50% chance to disappear or continue to exist.
Throw Time 0.6 second(s)
Cooldown 2 second(s)
XP Bonus 8%
Soulbound Soulbound
Feed Power 1,300

Loot Bag Assigned to White Bag
Drops From Treasurer Gemsbok

A unique “prism” that doesn’t teleport the player, but rather puts a stationary coin decoy on the cursor’s location. While the length of the decoy is highly inconsistent due to using a luck-based system to determine its duration (≈ 6s), the ability to plant the decoy exactly wherever the user wishes from a safe distance (unlike the Brain of the Golem, which also deploys a stationary decoy, except on the user’s current position) allows Tricksters to be far more precise with their decoy placements than with any other prism. This makes it a highly useful tool for setting up precise decoys, despite the inconsistency of its duration. It also gives potent offensive stats to boost Trickster’s damage output.

The Gold and Silver Coins have the following sprites:
Gold Coin Silver Coin

Before Exalt Version (May 2021), this item had a throw time of 0.8 seconds.