Oryx's Escutcheon (Rev. 4)

Oryx's Escutcheon Exalted Beam An enormous shield decorated with the crest of Oryx, an infamous symbol of oppression dreaded across the realm.

Tier UT
MP Cost 100
On Equip +7 SPD, +10 DEF
Effect(s) On Ability Use: Summons three consecutive Exalted Beams that each deal 850-950 damage in a 2.25 square radius, inflicting Gold Five Pointed Star Stunned for 1.4 seconds
Throw Time 0 / 0.8 / 1.6 second(s)
Max Cast Range 2.5 tiles
Cooldown 2 second(s)
Fame Bonus 8%
Soulbound Soulbound
Feed Power 1,300

Loot Bag Assigned to White Bag
Drops From Oryx the Mad God 3
