Aspirant's Bow

Aspirant's Bow Aspirant Large Arrow

Aspirant Small Arrow
A precisely tuned compound bow with aquamarine filigree, the bow fires arrows tipped with the very same gemstone. Those who wish to become heroes will find this weapon grows with them as they continue down their chosen path.

Tier UT (Limited)
Effect(s) Aspirant’s Set: This item can be further improved by inscribing it with an engraving from the Path of the Stalwart, Sniper, Swiftblade, or Magus.
XP Bonus 6%
Soulbound Soulbound
Feed Power 450

Aspirant Large Arrow
Shots 1
Damage 110–120 (average: 115)
Projectile Speed 16 tiles/second
Lifetime 0.44 seconds
Range 7.04 tiles
Effect(s) Piercing Shots hit multiple targets

Aspirant Small Arrow
Shots 2 (arc gap: 14°)
Damage 35–45 (average: 40)
Projectile Speed 16 tiles/second
Lifetime 0.44 seconds
Range 7.04 tiles
Effect(s) Piercing Shots hit multiple targets
Armor Piercing Ignores defense of target

Loot Bag Assigned to White Bag
Obtained Through MotMG: A Hero’s Choice Tinkerer Quests

Available Engravings:

Path of the Magus Fires two outer and one inner shot. The outer shots converge at the middle and end of the weapons range and deal 30-40 armor piercing damage. The inner shot deals 120-150 damage.

Magus Bow Pattern

Path of the Sniper Fires two outer and one inner shots that accelerate and have a tight spread. The outer shots deal 40-60 damage at an 80% rate of fire. The inner shot does 200-420 damage at a 40% rate of fire..

Sniper Bow Pattern

Path of the Stalwart Fires four outer and one inner shot. The outer shots do 20-30 armor piercing damage but do not pierce enemies. The inner shot deals 100-190 damage.

Stalwart Bow Pattern

Path of the Swiftblade Fires two outer and one inner shot. The outer shots deal 20-30 armor piercing damage. The inner shot deals 80-110 damage. All shots are fired at a rate of 150%.

Swiftblade Bow Pattern


Before Exalt Version (Aug 2023), this item was not soulbound.