Lair of Shaitan (Original)

For the current version of this dungeon, see Lair of Shaitan.

Last updated: X.31.8.0
Lair of Shaitan
Difficulty: 5Difficulty: 5Difficulty: 5Difficulty: 5Difficulty: 5

The original Lair of Shaitan was a high level dungeon consisting only of a boss fight. This was the first dungeon in game to drop cloths. The Flame Cloth (Designed by WunderWafe) and the Heavy Chainmail Cloth were site-specific drops, and there was no other way to achieve them. In addition, the dungeon was the only source of the Skull of Endless Torment, previously a long-unreleased item.

In Release X.28.0, the dungeon layout was updated and the Wakizashi of Crossing Fires was added as a second untiered drop to coincide with the release of the Samurai class. The drop rate of the Skull of Endless Torment, which had previously been considered one of the rarest dungeon UTs, was also increased.

In Release X.31.8.0, the dungeon was heavily reworked, and the current version can be found here.

The dungeon was accessible via the Court of Oryx.


Shaitan's KeyThe Shaitan’s Key could be bought in the Nexus for 50 Realm Gold.


See the Lair of Shaitan Guide for a complete walk-through on the dungeon and all its enemies.

  • Lair of Shaitan was the first Boss Dungeon to be released.
The Realm Eye says:
The scorching hot domain of Shaitan is located extremely close to core of the realm. Even most demons find the heat of his lair to be unbearable.
It is in those fires that the Skull of Endless Torment was crafted, a monument to the pain that his victims may endure.



Shaitan Layout


Screenshot of the Lair of Shaitan

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Shaitan The Advisor is the boss of the Lair of Shaitan. The sprite for the head was (re)designed by a player named BLTspirit.

Tips and Strategies

This boss can deal massive damage and there is little room for dodging, so it is best to fight with a decent sized group.

Drops of Interest

Note: Cloths are dropped as both Main and Accessory cloths. They are dropped in soulbound bags.

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