Shield of Ogmur (Rev. 12)

Shield of Ogmur: This massive shield was created for the wealthy and powerful Ogre kings as a sign of their unrivaled strength.

Tier: Untiered
MP Cost: 100
Width/Shots: 5
Damage: 300-400 (1750)
Projectile Speed: 16
Range: 3.2
Effect: Armor Broken for 4 seconds
Stat Bonus: +60 HP, +14 DEF
Fame Bonus: 6%
Feed Power: 1000

Drops From:
Lord of the Lost Lands

The Shield of Ogmur is a very rare untiered drop that serves as a alternative to the tiered shields for the Knight, instead of stunning, it armor breaks the monster(s). The armor break sees practicality at specific moments, but is not recommended to replace a tiered shield that can stun. For example, the armor break is rendered useless on monsters with very low defense, or monsters that are very dangerous like Oryx the Mad God 2. It is however useful when there is a group of players focusing on one boss and that one of the players in the group is another knight that has a tiered shield, as the boss or monster being focused on will be stunned and you will be at no risk for the time being to armor break the designated monster so it dies quicker. An example of usage of this shield may be in The Shatters on the enemies called Titanum, where the enemy has very high defense.


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