Soul of the Bearer (Rev. 70)

Soul of the Bearer All shall know my power. Not even the Mad God can stop me.

Tier ST
MP Cost 150
On Equip +20 MP, +2 ATT, +1 SPD, +1 DEX
Effect(s) On enemies: Stasis
Stasis Radius: 3 tiles
Stasis Duration: 6 seconds
On self: Green Up Arrow Speedy and Red Sword Berserk
Speedy & Berserk Duration:   seconds
Cooldown 6 second(s)
XP Bonus 4%
Feed Power 700

Loot Bag Assigned to Orange Bag
Drops From Phylactery Bearer
Obtained Through Mystery Boxes
Current offers on RealmEye’s trading pages

Part of the Phylactery Mystic set.

Unlike tiered orbs, this orb has a cooldown on its ability, making it a slightly more dangerous orb when rushing. Its high MP cost makes it a situational orb, best used when trying to damage a single target, such as both Oryx and Oryx 2.

The main benefit of this orb is that it gives Berserk, creating a higher DPS for a short burst of time. The duration of both Berserk and Speedy is increased by every 10 WIS after 50 WIS so at 75 WIS the duration is 4 seconds. Mystics can be permanently buffed at 90 WIS as the cooldown and duration will have the same 6 seconds.

Also, unlike tiered orbs, the Soul of the Bearer does not inflict curse, making it better suited when trying to get soulbound yourself. This orb is sometimes called “Fake Conflict” as it is similar to the Orb of Conflict.

This item was first made available through The Alchemist in Release 27.7.5 (December 2015), but was later added as a drop in the Lair of Draconis, along with the other pieces of the Phylactery Set.

In Patch 27.7.X5 (Sep 2016) it was given an additional drop location of the Phylactery Bearer, and in Patch 27.7.XMAS (Dec 2016), all the Phylactery Set items were removed as drops from the Lair of Draconis to make way for the new Dragon Tamer Set.

This item used to drop in a cyan bag before the addition of orange bags in Patch X.18.0 (Oct 2017).

Before Patch X.33.1.0 (May 2020), this item had a Feed Power of 600.

Before Exalt Version (Sep 2020), this item’s previous duration for Berserk and Speedy was 3 seconds by default. It also wasn’t the only orb that granted Berserk.

This item used to have the following sprite:
Soul of the Bearer (old)