Help the Wiki (Rev. 105)

The purpose of this page is to organize all of the wiki's flaws: Missing pages, inaccurate information, subjective information, pages that are poorly written, etc. This wiki needs quite a bit of improvement, and hopefully a list of things that need improving will make this easier for everyone. If you can help out with any issues listed here, please do! If you notice anything wrong with the wiki but can't fix it yourself, list it here!

Quick links

All of the links to the Wildshadow Forums no longer work, so please replace those with links to their archives.

If you have comments regarding the wiki page, or want to help the wiki, go to this thread.

For images and information, go here if possible.

To brush up on HTML/Markdown, feel free to visit Everything HTML (and some Markdown Extra).

All drop rates have been removed, DO NOT revert these changes

Do not edit the wiki for changes on testing. Testing is irrelevant to the production servers, and testing changes often. Because it's testing.

Please try to add to the pages while ONLY ADDING VALID, LEGIT and REAL INFORMATION.
Every little bit helps!

Pages that need to be created

Pages that need specific work done

  • Arena - basically just a placeholder now; needs images, tips and strategies, etc
  • Fan Lore - Sections needs improve formatting
  • Haunted Cemetery - Need to have Layout and Screenshot

Enemy Pages that particularly need work

(We need to start sizing this down. Once it's fine, people forget to take it off. A general rule of thumb is that there are things missing--usually tips--it stays on here.)

Pages with broken links

These pages link to missing pages, or there are typos in the URIs.

Unlinked pages

These are existing pages, but there's no link to them.

Strike Amulet
Admin Sword
Navigation root
Thousand Shot