Staff of Eruption

Staff of Eruption Eruption Staff Proj In the primal era of the realm, the volcanic mountains were overrun with rampant lava spirits, spiteful creatures who sought to burn all they could touch.

Tier ST
Shots 1
Damage 500–570 (average: 535)
Projectile Speed 15 tiles/second
Lifetime 0.366 seconds
Range 5.49 tiles
Frequency 1 cycle(s)/shot
Rate of Fire 25%
XP Bonus 5%
Soulbound Soulbound
Feed Power 850
Dismantling Value 20 Mythical Material

Part of the Magmatic Mystic Set.

Possesses the highest damage per shot of any staff, but is offset by its short range and slow fire rate.

With the full set equipped, the projectile changes to:
Eruption Staff Proj Large

Before Exalt Version (May 2021), this staff had an amplitude of 0.35, a lifetime of 300 and a range of 4.5 tiles.