Esben Necromancer Set

Esben Necromancer
Class Necromancer
Themed on Esben the Unwilling
Drops From Esben the Unwilling (Staff of Esben /Skullish Remains of Esben / Esben's Shaman Attire / Esben's Wedding Ring)
Mighty Quest Chest (Staff of Esben /Skullish Remains of Esben / Esben's Shaman Attire / Esben's Wedding Ring)
Obtained Through Mad Pass: On Thin Ice Quest 7 (Esben's Shaman Attire / Esben's Wedding Ring)
Overall Stat Bonus +130 HP, +60 MP, +19 ATT, +6 DEF
Final Stats at 8/8 800 HP, 445 MP, 94 ATT, 31 DEF, 50 SPD, 60 DEX, 40 VIT, 75 WIS
Total XP Bonus 25%
Soulbound Soulbound
Released Release 27.0.0 (Dec 2014) (Staff of Esben /Skullish Remains of Esben), Mad Pass: On Thin Ice (Dec 2019) (Esben's Shaman Attire / Esben's Wedding Ring)

The set is very focused on slowing enemies (the skull does slow, and the robe has a 10% chance to slow when the player takes damage).

The potential offensive power is high, as it will give a maxed Necromancer 94 ATT, and the staff’s projectiles are able to hit multiple enemies, but the shot pattern makes it difficult to make the most of this power.

This set is comprised of a mixture of long-released items – the staff and skull have been in the game since December 2014, and brand new items – the robe and ring were first available in Original mode by completing quests in RIFTS mode and were later been added as a drop to Esben the Unwilling in Patch X.32.4.1 (Jan 2020).

Before Exalt Version (May 2021), this set had the following sprites:
Staff of EsbenSkullish Remains of EsbenEsben's Shaman AttireEsben's Wedding Ring