Sprite Wand (Rev. 45)

Sprite Wand Colorful Sprite Bolt A wand created from the wood of Sprite trees. Seems to be poorly calibrated, though.

Tier UT
Shots 1
Damage 10–290 (average: 150)
Projectile Speed 18 tiles/second
Lifetime 0.5 seconds
Range 9 tiles
Amplitude 1 tile(s)
Frequency 1 cycle(s)/shot
Soulbound Soulbound
Feed Power 150

This wand shoots in a wavy pattern, much like the Doku No Ken, but at a much higher level. It is potentially a very powerful wand, as it can possibly land hits that do the maximum damage of the Sword of Splendor. However, because of its heavy reliance on RNG, many players find this wand unappealing.

Otherwise this wand DPS surpass Wand of Ancient Warning and even Wand of Recompense above 66/82 DEF. Is higly recommended to use this wand at half range - 4.5 Tiles - for higher accuracy.

Added in Build 83 (Feb 2010), the Sprite Wand originally shot random colors.

Before Patch X.33.1.0 (May 2020), this item had a Feed Power of 200.

Before Exalt Version (Sep 2020), this item had a damage of 10-220 and the following projectile sprite:
Fire Bolt

Before Exalt Version (Mar 2021), this item had the following sprites:
Sprite Wand (old)Rainbow Bolt