Helm of Exalted Might (Rev. 3)

Helm of Exalted Might Battle Cry A helm forged in the deepest depths of Oryx’s realm. Those who wear it are said to feel a dark power coursing through their veins.

Tier UT (Limited)
MP Cost 95
On Equip +10 DEF
Effect(s) On party: Inflicts Red Sword Berserk for 5.5 seconds within 5 squares
On self: DEX^ DEX boost (+30 DEX) for 3 seconds and ATT↓ ATT decrease (-15 ATT) for 6 seconds
Battle Cry: On ability use, 25% chance to deal a burst of 1000 damage to enemies within 5 sqrs
Cooldown 6.5 second(s)
Fame Bonus 5%
Soulbound Soulbound
Feed Power 700

Obtained Through Consuming a stack of 15 Shards of the Intern
Exchanging a stack of 30 Shards of the Intern at The Tinkerer

Part of the Agents of Oryx Abilities.