Essence Tap Skull (Rev. 13)

Essence Tap Skull
Essence Tap Skull: A lesser demon’s skull, empowered and amplified by dark enchantments of the underworld.

Tier: 4
MP Cost: 120
Radius: \left\{\begin{matrix} 2.9 & \text{wis}<30\\ 2.9+\frac{3\text{wis}}{250}& 30\leq\text{wis}\\ \end{matrix}\right.
Damage: \left\{\begin{matrix} 115 & \text{wis}<30\\ 115+\frac{2\text{wis}}{5}& 30\leq\text{wis}\\ \end{matrix}\right.
Fame Bonus: 2%
Feed Power: 90

This skull, along with the Soul Siphon skull is often used instead of higher tiered skull due to its MP to heal ratio and hence can be used effectively against larger groups of enemies.

Individual Chance of Tier Grouped Drops:
Oryx the Mad God
Oryx the Mad God 2
Archdemon Malphas
Skull Shrine
Cube God
Septavius the Ghost God
Realm Gods
Limon the Sprite God
Cyclops God Chest
Ghost King
Red Demon Chest
Additional Drops:
Demon Mage of the Abyss

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Soul Siphon Skull
Lifedrinker Skull