Bard Class Guide (Rev. 11)

Note: This page is a work in progress.


Introduced in Build X.34 (May 2020), the Bard is the third bow class since the Huntress was introduced in Build 104 (September 2010). Unlike the more combatative Archer and Huntress, the Bard wears less durable Robes, befitting his role as a support class. There is no class requirement to unlock Bard yet. However, he is only playable on the Exalt client. See his stat gains, caps and averages here.

Stats and Equipment

The Bard’s maxes out at an exceptional 75 Wisdom and 385 MP, giving him a large mana pool to utilize his abilities and quicker mana regen. His Dexterity also caps at 70 points, allowing him to attack much faster than Archer or Huntress. In addition, his speed cap of 55 means he can run faster than many other classes. However, his delicate nature comes to a head with an HP cap of 670 and his robe armor. In addition, a cap of 55 Attack makes his per-shot damage weaker than that of Archer.


Unlike other robe classes, the Bard’s choice of weapon is the bow. Bows provide Bard with a mid range attack with the ability to pierce enemies. High tiered bows (from T8 on) are renowed for their substantial crowd control capabilities. It should be noted, however, that each missed shot counts against your accuracy. If that is important to you, try to land every shot. Additonally, the untiered bow options provide the Bard with a verstile arsenal for any situation.

Bow of Covert HavensBow of Mystical Energy
The Tier 12 Bow of Covert Havens (Covert) and Tier 13 Bow of Mystical Energy (Myst) are the best tiered bows available. The Bow of Covert Havens is the highest purchasable tiered bow and the Bow of Mystical Energy is a rarer, soulbound tiered bow only dropping from the Void Entity. Tiered bows are great for crowd control, dispatching weaker enemies, and have great DPS against enemies with low DEF when all shots hit. However, DPS drops rapidly when defense adds up, especially for Bard. In addition, the true range of tiered bows (3.56 tiles) may put off some players. It is for this reason many bow class players will opt to carry an additional, untiered bow as a swapout, to mitigate the drawbacks of using one bow or the other.

Doom Bow
The Doom Bow (DBow) is a slow shooting, hard hitting, untiered bow found in the Undead Lair. This bow works well against high defense enemies in particular as its slow rate of fire means defense will be less effective. The reduced fire speed fits the Bard better as opposed to the Archer and Huntress, since the high DEX stat reduces the need to plan each shot. The Doom Bow is considered the best bow to get soulbound damage on Event and Dungeon bosses given the sheer damage of each shot. However, it should be noted that this bow has inferior DPS to many other bows in situations where a Bard can safely approach an enemy with negligible defense.

Coral Bow
The Coral Bow (CBow) is an untiered bow found in the Ocean Trench. It fires two shots at a slightly increased rate of fire from tiered bows. It has a slightly lower DPS than the best tiered bows when all shots hit. However, its true range and effective range (5.08 and 7.77 tiles, respectively) are longer than you get from tiered bows. This bow is often paired with the Doom Bow, being used for general purpose while the DBow is swapped for higher defense enemies.

Leaf Bow
The Leaf Bow is an untiered bow found in the Woodland Labyrinth. This bow sacrifices the ability to pierce enemies for a significant gain in DPS. This makes it useful in situations where piercing isn’t necessary or desirable (e.g: clean Tomb boss runs). It also has a very slightly longer range than tiered bows (7.2 tiles). Do note, the projectiles wave around with increasing amplitude as they travel farther away, so keep that in mind when you use this bow.

Thousand Shot
The Thousand Shot (TShot) is a fast-firing bow found in the Puppet Master’s Encore dungeon. This bow fires a single shot with a range of 7.59 tiles. Its special feature is its extremely fast rate of fire modifier of 200%! This bow fits Bard particularly well, as it provides some extra mana and its speed penalty of -5 is mitigated by Bard having a slightly higher SPD cap. Most importantly, because the TShot can attack to its entire true range, Bard can take full advantage of the inspired buff while using this bow to attack to an even farther range of 9.4875 tiles!


The Bard’s choice of ability is the Lute. Lutes provide a party buff known as “Inspired.” Inspired increases weapon attack range by 25%. For example, a tiered bow (7.04 tiles) would have its range increased to 8.8 tiles under this effect. Unfortunately, lutes do not alter the shot pattern of the weapon, so the true range is unchanged on certain weapons (tiered bows, most namely). Higher tiered lutes also provide the user with a defense boost. The defense boost of tiered lutes is always 2 seconds shorter than the Inspired duration. Tiered lutes have a cooldown that is 1 second longer than the Inspired duration.

Regal Lute
The Regal Lute and Skyward Lute are the best tiered lutes. They provide the longest, most mana-efficient inspired duration, and also provide the highest DEF boosts to Bard upon use.

Snake Charmer Pungi
The Snake Charmer Pungi

Wavecrest Concertina
The Wavecrest Concertina

Pharaoh's Requiem
The Pharaoh’s Requiem


Unlike other bow classes, the Bard wears robes. As a robe class, Bard benefits from a much larger mana capacity than other bow classes at the cost of less durability and health.

Robe of the Grand Sorcerer Robe of the Star Mother
The Robe of the Elder Warlock (Elder) and Robe of the Grand Sorcerer (GSorc) are among the best tiered robes available. The Robe of the Star Mother is the highest stat-wise, soulbound alternative found in high tier dungeons such as The Nest, Lost Halls and the Fungal and Crystal Caverns. These robes provide the Bard with low Defense, but increased Mana, Attack and Wisdom.

Anointed Robe
The Anointed Robe

Soulless Robe
The Soulless Robe

Water Dragon Silk Robe
The Water Dragon Silk Robe

Esben's Shaman Attire
The Esben’s Shaman Attire

Shendyt of Geb
The Shendyt of Geb


needs more information

Strengths and Weaknesses

needs more information

Group Role

needs more information

Event and Dungeon Bosses

needs more information


Play the Bard class and see what you think. If you have any information that one would find useful while playing Bard, feel free to add to this guide!