Timelock Orb (Rev. 19)

Timelock Orb A powerful orb of flawless sunquartz, created by dark thaumaturgists of the nether kingdoms.

Tier 4
MP Cost 80
On Equip +2 VIT
Effect(s) On enemies: Inflicts Stasis and Curse Inflicts Curse
Stasis Radius: 3 tiles
Stasis Duration: 5 seconds
Curse Radius: \left\{\begin{matrix} 5 & \text{wis}<30\\ 5+\frac{\text{wis} }{30}& 30\leq\text{wis}\\ \end{matrix}\right   tiles
Curse Duration: \left\{\begin{matrix} 6 & \text{wis}<30\\ 6+\frac{\text{wis} }{25}& 30\leq\text{wis}\\ \end{matrix}\right   seconds
Fame Bonus 2%
Feed Power 90

Descriptions in-game are currently bugged, causing wis-affecting equipment to appear to have twice the effect they really do (this effect is only for the descriptions- not the actual result). This page shows the actual formulas, not the ones based off the (incorrect) descriptions.