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Angelic Bard Set (Rev. 5)

Angelic Bard Set
Class Bard
Obtained from Little Notes to Heaven campaign
2nd Piece Bonus +20 HP, +3 DEF, +3 DEX
3rd Piece Bonus +20 HP, +40 MP, +3 DEX
4th Piece Bonus +40 HP, +20 MP, +5 DEF, +4 DEX
Subtotal of Bonuses +80 HP, +60 MP, +8 DEF, +10 DEX
Overall Stat Bonus +150 HP, +160 MP, +18 DEF, +15 DEX, +5 VIT, +11 WIS
Total Fame Bonus 20%
Soulbound Soulbound
Released Release X34.2.0

Items Drop From:
All: Oryx’s Sanctuary

The Angelic Bard Set is the 27th ST set to be released.

The set items will drop from Oryx’s Sanctuary, an unreleased dungeon. Two pieces will drop from the minibosses, and two pieces will drop from Oryx the Mad God 3. Oryx’s Sanctuary is still in development, but the set has been “pre-released” as the top reward in the Little Notes to Heaven campaign.

The set is centered around the Angel’s Fanfare lute, which grants additional effects on use, depending on which other set pieces are equipped.