Horticultural Huntress Set (Rev. 11)

Horticultural Huntress
Class Huntress
Themed on A Fairy
Drops From Swarm Tree (Bergenia Bow)
Fountain Spirit (Lifebringing Lotus)
Murderous Megamoth (Hollyhock Hide)
Mecha Squirrel (Chrysanthemum Corsage)
Mighty Quest Chest (Bergenia Bow / Hollyhock Hide / Chrysanthemum Corsage)
Standard Quest Chest (Lifebringing Lotus)
Obtained Through Mystery Huntress ST Crate
Mystery Boxes
Mystery ST Chest
2nd Piece Bonus +20 MP, +3 SPD, +3 DEX
3rd Piece Bonus +30 HP, +40 MP, +5 SPD, +5 DEX
4th Piece Bonus +70 HP, +3 DEF, +5 SPD, +5 DEX
Subtotal of Bonuses +100 HP, +60 MP, +3 DEF, +13 SPD, +13 DEX
Overall Stat Bonus +100 HP, +170 MP, +13 DEF, +21 SPD, +33 DEX, +5 VIT
Final Stats
Total Fame Bonus 16%
Soulbound Soulbound
Released Patch X.32.2.1 (Nov 2019)

The Horticultural Huntress Set was the twentieth special themed set to be released. It is the 2nd ST set for Huntress after the Swarming Huntress Set.