Tidal Wave Kensei Set (Rev. 3)

Tidal Wave Kensei Set
Class Kensei
Themed on Unknown
Drops From Calamity Crab, Commotion Crab, Bilgewater’s Booty (Saif of the Deep)
Thessal the Mermaid Goddess, Coral Gift (Loch Sheath)
Royal Cnidarian (Barrier Reef)
Thessal the Mermaid Goddess, Coral Gift (Alexander's Band)
Obtained Through TBA
2nd Piece Bonus +30 HP, +10 MP, +5 DEX, +5 DEF
3rd Piece Bonus +40 HP, +20 MP, +5 DEX, +5 DEF
4th Piece Bonus +50 HP, +30 MP, +10 DEX
Subtotal of Bonuses +120 HP, +60 MP, +20 DEX, +10 DEF
Overall Stat Bonus +200 HP, +60 MP, +35 DEX, +31 DEF
Final Stats at 8/8 920 HP, 312 MP, 65 ATT, 56 DEF, 60 SPD, 100 DEX, 60 VIT, 60 WIS
Total XP Bonus 22%
Soulbound Soulbound
Released Exalt Version (Dec 2021)

The Tidal Wave Kensei Set was the 38th ST set to be released.