Swarming Huntress Set (Rev. 14)

Swarming Huntress
Special Themed Set for: Huntress
Items Drop from:
Nectar Crossfire: The Beekeeper
Honeytomb Snare: Killer Bee Queen
Apiary Armor: Yellow Soldier Bee, Red Soldier Bee, Blue Soldier Bee, Mini Killer Bee Nest
Honey Circlet: Yellow Soldier Bee, Red Soldier Bee, Blue Soldier Bee, Mini Killer Bee Nest

2nd Piece Bonus: +2 DEF
3rd Piece Bonus: +7 ATT, +8 SPD
4th Piece Bonus: +11 DEX
Subtotal of Bonuses: +7 ATT, +2 DEF, +8 SPD, +11 DEX
Overall Stat Bonus: +40 HP, +40 MP, +2 ATT, +14 DEF, +17 SPD, +20 DEX

Swarming Huntress Set is the eighth special themed set to be released.
It should be noted that this is a very high dps set, granting 20 additional dex to the player, and having a bow that outclasses the covert at low defense enemies.
The set drops from various bosses and enemies in The Nest dungeon and can also be obtained from the Queen Bee Redux Mystery Box.

The set confers additional stat bonuses when at least two of the items are worn together. Wearing the full set transforms the huntress player into a 16x16 sprite and changes the weapon’s shot