Tomb Trick Skipping Artifact Phase

This guide explains the Instant Tomb Boss Rage (a.k.a. Artifact Phase Skip) Trick in detail, and also includes a description of the single boss phases.

The Tomb Trick in short

By dealing enough damage to the tomb bosses during certain phases, let’s call them the “special phases”, the bosses will instantly turn into their rage phases, and thus completely skipping their artifact phases.

How does it help?

  • boss fight becomes much easier
  • less risky and less deadly
  • boss fight takes much less time

Here is an example video of skipping the artifact phases of all bosses by the guild Tomb Raiders:

Some points to note

  • As you can see, a bunch of maxed characters are required for the trick to deal enough damage.
  • At least 3 maxed characters are required for the success of the trick
  • But with some optimizations, you can also do this with a smaller group, such as with a maxed duo.
  • If everthing runs smooth, you can even do the trick solo with a boosted warrior.
  • The trick usually only works with a player group who knows how the trick works

Guide - How the Trick Works

The guide is based on the usual boss order:

Bes, Nut, Geb

First, lets identifiy and list all phases of each boss, for better understanding.

The Boss Phases

All boss phases are very similar:

6 phases

  • all bosses have the same amount of phases: 6 normal + 1 special phase

Weak Phase

  • all bosses have the exact same weak phase (= phase 0)
  • all bosses get activated after they receive a small amount of damage (~1000dmg) and then turn into the weak phases, while being invincible for the first ~2 seconds.
  • the weak phase itself lasts very short aswell, just after further ~1000 dmg to the bosses. The bosses shoot a bunch of big black weak shots in a circle.

Invincible phase

  • between every phase, when the bosses switch from one to another phase, there is a short invincible interphase
  • an exception is the phase between the weak phase (0) and the following phase (1): there is no invincible interphase and no shoutout between them.
  • the interphase is/introduces the start of a new phase
  • each invincible interphase lasts exactly 5 seconds.
  • you can’t deal any dmg to the boss during this interphase
  • the indicator for this phase is a small blue shield above the boss’ head
  • also, usually at the start of each invincible phase, the bosses shout out a specific line, for such as: “Nut, disable our foes”.
  • Here is the invincible phase of Nut for example: (from 10:35 to 10:40)

Artiphact phase

  • the “4th phase of each boss is is their artifact phase
  • all bosses have 2 artiphact phase

Rage phase

  • the last phase of each boss is their rage phase

Special phases

  • this phase lasts always exactly 10 second
  • special phases will get activated at certain regular boss phases, after a certain amount of time has past
  • at the beginning of the special phase, the bosses have the status effect “armor break” for ~3 seconds
  • during the special phases, bosses move around in the boss room in long circles and have unique shot patterns. More about it later at the bottom.

Bes Phases

0) Weak phase (from 8:36 to 8:40)

1) 3 Red Boomerang (from 8:41 to 8:56)

2) 1 aiming Black Magic Shot (from 8:56 to 9:17)

3) 2 aiming Black Magic Shots (from 9:27 to 9:36)

4) First artifact phase - 2 aiming Black Magic Shots (from 9:36 to 9:52)

5) Second artifact phase - 3 aiming Black Magic Shots (from 9:52 to 10:10)

6) Bes Rage (from 10:10 to 10:18)

S) Special - Stun Shot Wave (from 9:17 to 9:27)

Nut Phases

0) Weak Phase (from 11:08 to 11:13)

1) One Big Arrow Phase (from 11:13 to 11:22)

2) Colored Boomerangs (from 11:22 to 11:42)

3) Hug with Geb (from 11:52 to 12:13)

4) First Artifact Phase - 1 big Arrow (from 12:23 to 12:46)

5) Second artifact phase - 2 big Arrows (from 12:46 to 13:04)

6) Nut Rage (from 13:04 to 13:13)

S) Special - Paralyze shot wave (from 11:42 to 11:52)

Geb Phases

0) Weak phase (from 18:29 to 18:34)

1) Yellow Fire Magic (from 18:34 to 18:55)

2) Scarab Wave #1 (from 18:55 to 19:11)

3) Scarab Waves #2 (there is no visible difference between phase 2 and 3) (from 19:11 to 19:30)

4) First artifact phase (including weak nuke attacks) (from 19:41 to 20:23)

5) Second artifact phase (from 20:23 to 21:00)

6) Geb Rage (from 21:00 to 21:31)

S) Special - Circeling Fireball wave (from 19:30 to 19:41)

Skipping the Artiphact Phases

So the trick to skip the artifact phase and bring the bosses instantly into their rages, is to deal a lot of damage during the boss’ special phases. This is the key.

Special Phases

As mentioned already above, the boss’ special phases last exactly 10 seconds each. So you got in total 10 seconds to deal enough damage and bring the boss into rage.

  • if you did enough damage already before the 10 seconds have past, the boss’ will instantly turn into rage anyways.
  • otherwise the phases will always last the usual 10 seconds and the boss will return into his regular phase
  • even if you don’t manage to deal enough damage bring the bosses instantly to rage, with the trick, you can still at least skip 1 artifact phase, or in case of Nut, 1 artfact phase and/or the hug phase, which is quite advantageous aswell.

The special phases only occur during certain boss phases: phase 2 and phase 3. The tomb boss will turn into his special phase, when 20 seconds have past after the boss turned into phase 2/3.

If you do too much damage during phase 2/3 before the 20 seconds past, then the boss will turn into his next regular phase. After the boss turns into phase 4 (artifact phase) the trick is over and wont work anymore: Their special phase won’t be activated anymore (just in phase 2 or 3).

The Trick

The trick consists of 2 main steps:

  • stop shooting at the bosses during their phase 2/3, so their special phase get activated.
  • start shooting once they turned into their special phase, and try to do as much damage as possible during the 10 seconds.


Strategy with big group

  • stop shooting at beginiing of phase 2

Strategy with average group

  • stop shooting at beginiing of phase 3

Strategy with small group

  • stop shooting at beginning of phase 3
  • but keep doing a bit more dmg during phase 3, before the boss turns into his special phase
  • this increases your chance to successful turn the boss into rage, since you dealt some extra damage
  • make sure not to overdamage, otherwise the boss will turn into his next phase (artifact) and the trick is over.
  • check the video list below for an example

General Tips


  • with their stun ability, knights are very helpful for the success of the trick, and make
  • it makes it easier to deal enough damage during the special phases of the bosses


  • booster classes are very helpful
  • pally and warrior boosts highly increase your DPS and makes it more likely that the trick will succeed
  • or when you are just a small group, dex tincs can help too to boost your DPS high enough (dex tincs are very common in tombs anyways)

Bes Tips

  • skipping Bes’ artifact phase doesn’t work that well, since often, the 2 other bosses get in the way and you won’t be able to do enough damage during Bes’s special phase this way.
  • Also, Bes is using stun shots during his special phase, which is another hindrance.
  • skipping Bes’s artifact phase is not really necessary at all. His artifact phases are not very dangerous, so it’s not much harder, nor does it takes much more time if you fight bes the normal way

Shooting shortly before the Special Phase

  • you can always deal a bit dmg during the phase (phase 2/3) prior to the special phase, in case you think you wouldnt be able to do enough dmg to bring the bosses into rage otherwise.
  • but make sure not to overdamage, because than the trick is over
  • so this needs some experience and good estimations


  • SSS = Super Secret Special Tip
  • very often, not every member of your tomb group knows exactly when to stop and when to start shooting
  • in this case: one of your party member can type sign message in the public chat to indicate when to stop and start shooting.
  • it should be very noticable, so that nobody misses the message.

Geb Special Phase Trick

  • when geb turns into his 2nd or 3rd phase, he spawns 3 scarab wavse during those phases:
  • 1st wave at the very beginning of his phase 2/3;
  • 2nd wave ~8 seconds later;
  • 3rd wave very shortly before geb turns into his special phase-
  • so you can already start attacking geb with all your might when you see the 3rd scarab wave
  • check the video list below for an example

Some Tomb Trick Videos

All bosses instant rage(big group, 6+)

Skipping Nut Phase 3 + 4 (Duo)

Instant Geb Rage (Duo)

Instant Geb Rage (Solo)