Battle for the Nexus (Rev. 5)

Last updated: Release 16.4.0

The Battle for the Nexus was a dungeon released for a limited time only in September 2013. After a security breach in the game, the developers created a dungeon as a kind of an apology to the players. The dungeon featured 6 bosses from the game, some of them buffed, that had a chance of dropping special limited addition items named after the GMs and Devs.


Dungeon Layout

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A variety of dungeon bosses with higher HP and attack power are the denizens of this dungeon. They come in 3 waves, ending with Oryx 2 breaking open the back wall.

-Wave 1: (Left Wing of the Nexus) Mammoth Megamoth Deux

Lord Ruthven Deux

-Wave 2: (Right wing of the Nexus) Archdemon Malphas Deux

Sethno the Snake Queen Deux

-Wave 3: (center of the Nexus) -Green LoD Dragon

-Golden Oryx Effigy

-Wave 4 (Back Wall) -Oryx the Mad God

Boss Room

*info here

Tips and Strategies

*info here
