The Machine (Rev. 8)

Last updated: Patch X.31.5.0
The Machine

An April Fools dungeon introduced on April 1, 2019 for April Fools day.

Dungeon is dropped by the “Glitch” in realm.

Dungeon contains single room with boss fight against “Null” (and minions)

Unique lava-like floor tiles and tiles that disconnect player similar to how the closing of bridges in the shatters, LoD and thicket do.

Drops OP April fools items:
- Mister Mango
- Butter Bow
- Golden archer set (Brilliance Bow, Luxurious Leather, Quintessential Quiver, Regal Ring)
- Mmace Murderer
- K.I.D.D Force
- Caduceus of Current Craziness
- Blade of Ages