Ice Cave (Rev. 58)

Last updated: 27.0.0
Ice Cave
Difficulty: 5Difficulty: 5Difficulty: 5Difficulty: 5Difficulty: 5

The Ice Cave is a high-level dungeon that drops from the Lord of the Lost Lands. When all major enemies are killed, it opens into The Inner Sanctum of the boss, Esben the Unwilling. Both areas feature ice tiles which make characters slide.

In Release X.25, the dungeon received a major overhaul which redesigned the map, changed enemy behaviors, and added two new enemies.


Ice Cave Key The Ice Cave Key is available in the Nexus for 100 Realm Gold.



See the Ice Cave Guide for a walk-through on the dungeon.

The Realm Eye says:
The frigid beasts that thrived during the realm’s great ice age eons ago were forced to take shelter in forming caverns of pure permafrost.
As the frozen tundra began to melt, an elder shaman from one of the many wasteland tribes became lost in the caves while performing a burial ritual.


Ice Cave Layout

Note: light blue areas on map contain Tearing Frost. There is no Tearing Frost in the Inner Sanctum (those light blue pixels are blocks).

The Inner Sanctum

Inner Sanctum Layout

Esben the Unwilling appears in the center, surrounded on the cardinal sides by breakable ice cubes that serve as barriers to his shots. Eight Cursed Graves lie in a circle by the perimeter of the room.

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Enemies and Environmental Hazards

Ice Cave

When all major enemies are killed, A Strange Presence says from the portal:
“Innocent souls. So delicious. You have sated me. Now come, I shall give you your reward.”

The Inner Sanctum


When Esben is killed, A Voice from Beyond says one of the following dialogue:

“FOOLS! I WILL LIVE AGAIN. Esben was just one mortal. There are many.”
“Thank you for this kindness, friends. I am free now. Take of what I have left. I hope it is enough.”

Drops of Interest


Ice Cave used to have this layout:

Old Ice Cave Layout