Oryx's Castle (Rev. 22)

Last updated: X33.0.0
Oryx's Castle
Difficulty: 4Difficulty: 4Difficulty: 4Difficulty: 4
Teleportation Disabled
Music: Passage

Oryx’s Castle is a medium to high-level dungeon that can only be accessed by closing a realm. When specific Quest Monsters have been defeated and after a wait of two minutes, all players will, during an earthquake, be teleported to Oryx’s Castle. The players in the realm are then divided into 4 teams which converge and fight a pair of bosses that drop the portal to Oryx’s personal chamber.

Note: during winter, the floor of the Guardian room is iced/slippery


Example Layout

Layout of the Oryx's Castle


Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Stone Guardians



The Stone Guardians are the first bosses of Oryx’s Castle. They are supported by several haunted armors, as well as wielding a powerful sword that can break even the most powerful of adventurers.

Hidden Boss

Janus the Doorwarden is the second boss of Oryx’s Castle. He is located in a room above the Stone Guardians which opens when all the Suit of Armors in the castle are destroyed.

Drops of Interest


Before Release X32.4.1, Oryx’s Castle had the following portal sprite:

Old Oryx's Castle Portal

This change did not, however, affect anything from the player’s perspective, as the portal to Oryx’s Castle does not normally appear in the game - players are automatically transported to the start of the dungeon and do not access it through a portal.