Sandbox (Rev. 34)


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Note: The below ability is not in the game, I was just testing my skills on spriting and building/fixing a wiki page. Sorry if you thought the orb was real.

Void Orb
Void Orb: A orb which glows with a very strange and powerful aurora.

Tier: UT
MP Cost: 175
Effect: Stases the enemy’s shots
Stasis Radius: Stasis on Cursor
Stasis Duration: 7.5 seconds
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Fame Bonus: 5%
Feed Power: 2500

Individual Chance of Tier Grouped Drops:
Lost Halls

This orb is a very unique UT ability, due to the fact that it Stases the enemies shots, not the enemies themselves. It can be very useful for boss fights such as Oryx the Mad God 2, as you can stasis his shotguns for 7.5 seconds. Be aware of the very large 15 second debuff though, which may not make the orb exactly practical in a small group. It should be switched out with more general orbs, such as the Planefetter Orb or the rare Orb of Conflict if you have it. This orb is also thought as the rarest White Bag in the game, so if you have it, be careful!

Hover over the item’s image for its name, click for detailed information and additional drop locations.

Untiered Ability Items

Cloak of the PlanewalkerCloak of Bloody Surprises
Beehemoth QuiverQuiver of ThunderQuiver of the Shadows
Tablet of the King AvatarRecurring Terror Spell
Tome of PurificationTome of PainTome of Holy Protection
Hivemaster HelmHelm of the Juggernaut
Snakeskin ShieldSpiteful ScutumShield of Ogmur
Seal of Blasphemous PrayerMarble Seal
Plague PoisonMurky Toxin
Cracked Crystal SkullSkullish Remains of EsbenSkull of Endless TormentSkull of Corrupted Souls
Coral Venom TrapTrap of the Vile Spirit
Orb of Sweet DemiseOrb of Conflict
Prism of Dancing SwordsPrism of Dire InstabilityGhostly Prism
Honey ScepterScepter of FulminationScepter of Devastation
KageboshiMidnight Star

Special Theme Set Ability Items

Ghastly DrapeAncient Spell: PierceBook of GebHelm of Draconic DominanceOnyx Shield of the Mad GodSeal of the Enchanted ForestMemento MoriHoneytomb SnareSoul of the BearerBrain of the Golem

Limited Ability Items

Thousand Suns SpellVitamine BusterFreezing QuiverTome of Frigid ProtectionHelmHelm