Armor (Rev. 99)

Hover over the item’s image for its name, click for detailed information and additional drop locations.

Untiered Armors

Snakeskin ArmorLeaf Dragon Hide ArmorHarlequin ArmorSpectral Cloth Armor
Blue Beehemoth ArmorRed Beehemoth ArmorYellow Beehemoth Armor
Coral Silk ArmorArmor of Nil
Robe of the TlatoaniWoodland RobeChasuble of Holy Light
Water Dragon Silk RobeRobe of the Mad ScientistRitual Robe
Candy-Coated ArmorFire Dragon Battle ArmorResurrected Warrior's ArmorBreastplate of New Life

Special Themed Set Armors

Mantle of SkuldApiary ArmorGolem GarmentsRags of the Host
Shendyt of GebThe Robe of TwilightSoulless RobeToga PictaGarment of the Beast
Fairy PlateZaarvox's HeartKamishimoMercy's Bane

Limited Availability Armors